There are tons of bulk cards floating around the market, making it a good way to make money if you know how to sell them. The ones that do so well will be the most successful. Overall, any card store is going to work with bulk cards. Stores will also sell bulk cards amongst each other to turn profits. Over time, they will more than make up for the booster box price they traded you. They will sell the cards individually or add them to mystery boxes. Click here to check out some of the current market prices of these booster boxes. While this offer may seem like a better deal for you, the store is making money on the offer.ĭid you know that prices of Yu-Gi-Oh booster boxes can actually sell for much higher than retail? This is simply due to the supply and demand of the boxes currently on the market. Once the staff assesses them, they offer you a booster box in exchange.
For example, you come in with 2,000 bulk Yugioh cards. Some will offer a trade with a booster box. Some stores also add their extra trading cards to grab bags and mystery boxes, which often sell quite well. They will sell the individual card at a higher price. Card shops will often buy their cards in bulk and sort through them.